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Michelle Lecky
Michelle Lecky joined Alliance Financial Group in 2004. Michelle holds an Honors Degree in Economics and is a licensed Life Insurance and Mortgage Agent.
Michelle helps clients plan for their financial future, whether it has to do with the purchase of a home, retirement, or making provisions in the event of sickness and death.
Super Visa Insurance
Written by Michelle Lecky on Thursday, 12 December 2013. Posted in Blog, Travel Insurance

Effective since December 1, 2011, the parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens/permanent residents (PR) have an easier and expedient option to visit their loved ones in Canada that allow them to remain in the country for up to 24 months at a time, without the need for renewal of their status. The new Super Visa makes it possible - the visa is valid for 10 years and permits a single entry or multi-entries into Canada while the lower application fees and processing time (8 weeks on an average) ensures the visit on short notice.
TFSA's vs. RRSP's
Written by Michelle Lecky on Tuesday, 09 October 2012. Posted in Investments, Blog
Ever since the tax-free savings account (TFSA) and the registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) were introduced to the Canadian financial landscape, individuals have been plagued with the issue of where to park their funds. Both of these vehicles offer tax savings, but which is better? The answer is there is no answer. There are a few questions you can ask yourself to determine which one is appropriate for you.